IllinoisNet Wireless – netctl

netctl is the new replacement for netcfg on Arch Linux. You’ll need a file in /etc/netctl/ with contents:

Description='IllinoisNet WPA2 Enterprise Profile'
# This is the interface you use. Run `ip link show` 
# to determine the name udev has given your interface.
#	'proto=WPA2'
	'identity="your-net-id"' # Place your netid between the double quotes
	'ca_cert="/etc/ssl/certs/AddTrust_External_Root.pem"' # Requires openssl

	# Generate password hash by running:
	# tr -d '\n' | iconv -t utf16le | openssl md4
	# Sometimes iconv will complain that utf161e is not supported.
	# When this happens, you should copy the command directly into the
	# terminal from the green Tip box here:
	# Type your plaintext password, press Enter, and then Ctrl-D
	# The output will look like "(stdin) = a991ae45aa987a1a48c8bdc1209ff0e7"
	# Your entry will then be:
	# 'password=hash:a991ae45aa987a1a48c8bdc1209ff0e7'


Once you’ve entered your own username and password hash and saved the file, you should be able to follow the generic netctl instructions. Note that this netctl profile will conflict with dhcpcd, so you will have to run `# systemctl disable dhcpcd.service` in order for netctl-auto to be able to negotiate the DHCP lease.