Locally available Internet service providers


Note that the links to the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) listed below are not an endorsement of the mentioned products and services. They are provided simply as a sampling of the options that are available to users.

If you have additional information about ISPs available in this area, please contribute it!

University-provided options

Local high-speed ISPs

Nationwide ISPs

Phone line networking (Optical Fiber, DSL, Dial-up)

Ethernet or cable modem networking

  • UIUCnet (in campus buildings)
  • Some local apartments provide Ethernet network access as part of the rental agreement. Check with your landlord.
  • Comcast (Champaign-Urbana)
  • Mediacom (some other local towns)

Wireless networking (wi-fi, cellular, fixed wireless, or satellite)

Wi-Fi (802.11)

(often free for laptops and many mobile devices)

Cellular / 3G Broadband

(usually comes with a monthly service contract for mobile devices; less commonly available on laptops)

Fixed Wireless Broadband & Satellite

(provides network access to a specific location, such as rural homes)