IllinoisNet Wireless – Android 1.6

Community recommended setup instructions for Android 1.6 and 2.1:

  1. Navigate to Wi-Fi network setup page:
    Press Home button -> press Menu button -> click on “Settings” menu-item -> Click on “Wireless Controls” menu-item -> Click on “Wi-Fi settings” menu-item -> Click on Add “Wi-fi network” menu-item.
  2. Set the following options:
    Network SSID = IllinoisNet
    Security = WPA-EAP (not WPA2 personal)
    EAP method = TTLS 
    Phase 2 authentication = MSCHAP2
    CA certificate = N/A
    Client certificate = N/A
    Private key password (leave blank)
    Identity = UIUC\netid (substitute your netid)
    Anonymous identity (leave blank)
    Wireless password (use AD password)
    Show password (unchecked)
  3. Click “Save”.
  4. If necessary, click the IllinoisNet “remembered” network to connect.