IllinoisNet Wireless – Android 2.0

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I’m a university res hall nettech and was having trouble getting my Android phone to use the IllinoisNet or WPA2.

However, I have solved the problem, and it would be awesome if you could add a section to your website for us Android (Droid, Nexus 1, etc any Google phone) phone users. You do need to have a more up-to-date Android OS version I believe. At least 2.0 it seems.

The problem lied in the Thawte Premium Sever CA file. Android can only recognize .p12 files off of the SD card, but there is no way to convert the Thawte certificate to .p12 without any type of password.

However, there is an easy work around that can work by simply clicking a link on a website!

What you need:

1.The .pem version of the certificate from Thawte. You can just get this off their website, it can be found at Once you extract the ZIP file, navigate to:

Thawte Roots\Thawte SSLWeb Server Roots\thawte Premium Server CA

where you will find the .pem file needed.
2.A file, such as PHP, perhaps ASP, that can switch the header to be Content-Type: application/x-x509-ca-cert
3.Simple php file with the code as follows (Note: the .pem file here has been renamed:
header(“Content-Type: application/x-x509-ca-cert”);
include (“ThawteFile.pem”);
4.Both, the PHP file and the .pem file should be in the same folder on the server.

What the user needs to do:

1. enable Credential Storage (settings >>
security & location >> use secure credentials)
2. Go the link that you setup
3. The phone will automatically detect the certificate and prompt the user to install
4. Install the certificate
5. Go to settings >> wireless & network settings
6. enable wireless
7. Choose IllinoisNet and choose the following options:
a. EAP Method: PEAP
b. Phase 2 authentication: MSCHAPV2
C. CA certificate: choose the one they just downloaded
d. Identity: netid
e. wireless password: the user’s password
8. Connect

It should now be connected to IllinoisNet!