GP to turn off Windows 10 telemetry notes

From Tim Wylder:



Navigate to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Data Collection Preview Builds (could be just Data Collection)

Set Telemetry to Enable, then under Options change to “0 – Security [Enterprise Only]”

This stops telemetry from sending any info.


Registry settings to turn off Telemetry 

“You can disable telemetry as follows:

Open Command Prompt as administrator (by clicking right mouse button on Start button, or by pressing Win+X shortcut) and enter the following 4 commands (hit enter between each command):

sc delete DiagTrack
sc delete dmwappushservice
echo "" > C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Diagnosis\ETLLogs\AutoLogger\AutoLogger-Diagtrack-Listener.etl
reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DataCollection" /v AllowTelemetry /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f